Monday 17 January 2011

The Camel Hump!

Well, it has been an awfully long time since I have posted something on my humble blog. This is mainly due to laziness, but it is also because I have absolutely no idea what to write. Now I'm the type of person who can talk for hours and hours, but sometimes I just don't know what to say! *shock horror*

Back to hijab, I was just browsing the internet and on youtube looking for all things hijab...and came across a few share-worthy things.

If your a regular hijab fashion stalker, you might have come across a Youtuber called Amenakin. She posts videos of hijab styles, which are usually amazing. She has video tutorials for almost every sort of hijab, to suit almost everyone. I strongly advise anyone searching for new ways to wear their hijab to check out her tutorials. Anyways...while I was looking through Amena's videos, I came across one which I thought was not only interesting, but necessary to share.

Hijab is worn in many different ways and styles. One extremely popular style of hijab which is gaining more followers day by day is the 'camel hump'.
The first I saw of the hump was on some fashion show pictures online, a few years back. It started off in Dubai, which is one of the hijab fashion centres of the world, but is now used by women all over England as well.
Before I go into the Islamic view regarding the camel hump I'll just explain what it is.

The woman in the picture has the camel hump on her head. Although this look is supposed to make a woman seem more elegant and upright, and give the hijab an oompf. In my opinion, at times it does make the woman look more elegant, when the hijab has a bit of a lift, but not when it looks like a hump stuck on the head. Like the woman in the the picture who just looks like she has something potruding from her head.

The name 'camel-hump' came from the following hadith. Narrated in a reliable hadith from Sahih Muslim that  It was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There are two types of the people of Hell that I have not seen yet: men with whips like the tails of cattle, with which they strike the people, and women who are clothed yet naked, walking with an enticing gait, with something on their heads that looks like the humps of camels, leaning to one side. They will never enter Paradise or even smell its fragrance, although its fragrance can be detected from such and such a distance.”

In the Hadith it mentions the camel hump and the fact that women who look like they have something on their heads will not enter paradise. I personally, do not like the look of the camel-hump hijab at all, especially when women seem to have something potruding from their heads. Amenakin (youtuber) has a video regarding the camel hump hijab, and I think she explains it extremely well (the video below). She also gives a good alternative to the camel hump, which is a good way for people to achieve the oompf and poofy look they want from the hijab, without having to adopt the camel hump.

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